Innocent + Twisted Alchemy Subscription – August


I was able to snag a full-size subscription from Innocent + Twisted Alchemy.  August was my first shipment, and it is awesome!  I received 4 full-size I+TA shadows, and 5 samples from other companies.  I love that this sub includes other companies, it gives me a chance to try new products. 
BONUS – 25% off orders of $6 or more through 9/16 at 1am PST
Let’s start with the I+TA shadows.
All swatches over deLeon Eye Primer. 
* My swatches are a little wonky because my hands have been crazy shakey lately. *




Ren Flower


7 & 8



I really love all of these colors!  I am such a sucker for pinks and purples.  Blast! is full of purple sparks and would make a gorgeous liner.  The other three have really pretty duochromes going on, and I hope you can tell from the photos!

Now, on to the samples.


Cool Runnings from Chinovi Cosmetics


Ashitaka from Dusk Cosmetics


Hello Brooklyn from Glamour Doll Eyes


Dog Days from Blackbird Cosmetics


Matte Lipstick in Vino from Performance Colors

First, the matte lipstick is great!  I actually own this in a full-size and love it.  It isnt drying, and provides a nice stain that wears well for hours.  As for the eyeshadows, I am in love with Ashitaka…that duochrome!  And Cool Runnings applies smoothly and opaquely.  I can see orders from Dusk and Chinovi in my future.

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